Tuesday, May 26, 2009


1. Where is your cell phone? lemme check- on charge

2. Your significant other? ...meh .get me a mirror

3. Your hair? brown,red wavy

4. Your mother? amazing

5. Your father? a gentleman

6. Your favourite? cant recollect

7. Your dream last night? im gettin married to the man of my dreams !

8. Your favourite drink? red red wine

9. Your dream/goal? to be a better me

10. What room are you in? miine

11. Your hobby? had a few grew out of em..

12. Your fear? being left alone

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? a successful person and happy mom

14. Where were you last night? at home

15. Something you're aren't? a mug .?

16. Muffins? huh?

17. Wish list item? could get a new phone..

18. Where you grew up? kuwait

19. Last thing you did? laughed

20. What are you wearing? night dress

21. Your TV? i dun watch it

22. Your pets? my baby...my pet cat

23. Friends? Honest and themselves

24. Your life? aint that bad

25. Your mood? Melancholic (this note is taking longer than i thought it would)

26. Missing someone? yea...ALOT !

27. Car? love em..but dont own even 1 of em (a black one wid pink stars is my fav)

28. Something you're not wearing? a funny hat

29. Your favourite store? ..claires and accessorize

30. Your favourite colour? black and pink (sometimes white)

33. When is the last time you laughed? dun rememba

34. Last time you cried? aah.. waa today !

35. Who will resend this? i wouldnt have thought i would a few minutes ago

36. One place you go to over and over? loo

37. One person who emails me regularly? why email when u got other ways :P

38. Favourite place to eat? mc.donalds


39. What am i doing: no idea!! greatt way to beat the time off exams perhaps!!

to all other time wasters.. proceed at ur own risk..of wasting time.

Monday, May 11, 2009


Days go by so fast.... one year is over and i am gettin what i always wanted -'FREEDOM' !!! dont want to get carried away by the happiness alone..not over excited...im pessimist you see!!!

never knew that i would find the one again....some say u always play around wid the wrong ones untill ur parents find u the right one..dont know how its gonna be..and i dont even wanna think about it bcause im happy.. he is the reason for my laugh !!!

Watch your thoughts, they become words.
Watch your words, they become actions.
Watch your actions, they become habits.
Watch your habits, they become character.
Watch your character, for it becomes...
your destiny.

'Be kinder than necessary, for everyone you meet
is fighting some kind of battle'.